Tuesday, November 29, 2011

To Judge or not to Judge

I was noticing that there's so much I need to learn! In these last couple of weeks I am realizing that the more I recognize how much I need to learn the more I actually learn. In one of these desires to learn I have learned that one of the things that will bring more peace to a person's life is when they stop judging others. It's incredible how much we judge without even realizing it! But I have learned that the moment I stop judging the more peace I feel! I can have pure thoughts, praise worthy thoughts, the kind of thoughts that my Abba Father loves.  Our Lord Jesus said it best when He said: "Do not judge or you too will be judged" (Mat 7:1). This is so true. When we live judging people, we live with fear, worry, anxiety, because the more we judge the more we ourselves become the target of judgment.

When we stop judging, we not only have more peace, but we have more joy, because when we stop judging we close the doors to that which poisons the purity of our motives and we open the doors to things that are from above, things that beautify our lives and make us a pleasing fragrance to God and to those around us. All our energy and effort goes to pleasing our Father, to walking in His footsteps, to dreaming with Him and fulfilling our calling with joy. That's why the Word says to fix our eyes on things above! Not on earthly things. Judgment automatically draws our eyes to what is below, but when we stop judging all we can see is Jesus! I want to see Jesus! To see His plans for my life! So let your prayer today be, "Jesus, help me not to focus on things that are below, but on you!" and this begins by having a heart that is fixed on Jesus, letting go of all judgment, and stepping into the supernatural realm of compassion, love, forgiveness, and mercy. :)

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