Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Hulk Within

Ever been at a point in your life when you feel like you are the worst person on the planet? When you realize that the person at fault is not those around you, it is not the circumstances you're in, it is not even the devil! It's just you! And there you sit, baffled at the conclusion that the problem here lies within you. What do you do then? What do you do when you realize that there is a hulk inside of you? A green monster that has forgotten to love, to forgive, to have faith, to believe in God's promises!

If you have ever felt this way, you're on your way, because the first thing to do is to ADMIT YOU'RE WRONG. This takes guts. The easy road takes us to blame others, to blame the world, to even blame God; but the courageous way, the bravest thing to do is to admit that the problem is us. Yes, it's my fault. Yes, it was me. Yes, I knew and I still did it. Yes. Yes. Yes. And after admitting comes confessing. We can run to Jesus, we can tell him everything we've done, and ask him to forgive us. Jesus died for that moment. What can wash away our sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus! It says in Romans 5:20
But sin didn't, and doesn't, have a chance in competition with the aggressive forgiveness we call grace. When it's sin versus grace, grace wins hands down.
You see? We don't have to stay hulk-like.  We can run to Jesus, and because of His grace, He forgives us and makes us new.  And it is only through an intimate relationship with Him, that His Spirit gives us the strength to walk hulk-free.  We can walk in freedom. No more hiding. No more fighting. No more fear. No more doubt. No more, no more! His truth sets us free.  And it is in this relationship with Jesus and the Spirit's work in us that we can finally live the life that we were meant to live.

Welcome to hulklessness. Welcome to freedom! Only through Jesus Christ.

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