Tuesday, June 12, 2012

To All Pastors' Kids Out There

A beloved pastor has passed on to be with the Lord: Ps. Fulton Buntain, an incredible man of God who committed his life to building God's kingdom on earth. It was hard not to smile when you saw him! The anointing of God surrounded him and it was noticeable. Today, our church staff welcomed his family into the church offices with hugs and love. My sister and I hugged Michelle Cox, one of his beautiful daughters. We couldn't contain our tears as we heard her say, "We love our dads." Yes, indeed we do :)

Being a Pastor's Kid is not easy, but it is wonderful. There was never a moment in my life when I wished I wasn't a Pastor's Kid. It was who I was. It is who I am. As a pastor's kid we get to see the good, the bad, and the ugly in ministry. We hear things, we know things, yet we cannot act upon our knowledge; instead, with love and patience, we must wait for the Lord to bring wisdom and direction, all in His time. And as we struggle waiting for something to happen, or for the "ugly" things to subside, our dads who are also our pastors help us see beyond them.  Our dads show us that not only is there "good" in ministry, there is also "glorious."

We pastor's kids get to see this "glorious" every day...people receiving Jesus, the sick finding healing, families coming back together, young people leaving their addictions, disciples committing themselves to the work of the Lord, radical men and women who choose to open their houses to start a small group, and the list goes on.

So if you are a pastor's kid, don't let the "ugly" things overshadow the "glorious" things. No matter what satan says, no matter what you see around you, no matter how you feel, there is always more GLORY than ugly.  Lately I have been thinking about buying a hybrid car, and no joke...all I see out on the road now are hybrid cars!!!! What I'm trying to get at, is that the more you want to see something, the more you will see it. So my dear PK's, if you are longing to see the glory of God, that is ALL YOU WILL SEE, and the ugly things will be in the distant, where God's wisdom and direction will turn them beautiful.

To all the daddies who are also pastors: THANK YOU for helping us see the GLORY in ministry. And to all the PK's out there, may the longing to see God's glory be ever growing in your hearts :)


A proud PK

1 comment:

  1. Felicitaciones Karina por expresar tus sentimientos alrededor del ejemplo de una vida pastoral. Es un reconocimiento raro pero comprendo cabalmente tus sentimientos, pues yo soy hija de pastor. Que tu Blog conmueva a muchos más a entender que detrás del pastorado hay un llamamiento el cual es irrevocable, hasta que se acuda a la presencia del Señor.
